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Writer's picture: Rebecca CafieroRebecca Cafiero


Chances are, you weren’t the kid who religiously made her bed without parental prodding. It’s likely you’re still not that fastidious, even as an adult. To get organized, you need to be organized.

Does this sound like you? Are your surroundings in a habitual state disarray? Does it take a mad dash of cleaning to make your space presentable when an unexpected guest comes over? Do you have to tidy and reorganize your office before getting started on a project? Is your inbox littered with hundreds (or even thousands) of unread emails? If this resonates with you, know that you aren’t alone.

People who know me today would wince to discover that I grew up a borderline hoarder. I saved EVERYTHING, in fear I’d someday need it. Tidying up meant shoving as much as could fit into my closet, and even then I still had to clear a pathway to get to my desk. At its worst, moldy, half-eaten sandwiches hidden within the depths of my closet attracted mice . . . YUCK! Making my bed was something I needed a constant reminder to do. I can still remember my mom saying that a made bed changes an entire room. She was right, but not making it was my way of rebelling against parental order!

When it came time to actually clean up (usually at the threat of grounding), I’d spend a whole DAY in my room. Throwing things away. Meticulously organizing my belongings. Folding clothes. When my room was neat and in order, I’d bask in the lovely tidiness, and vow to never let it become that messy ever again. And yet, the cycle would inevitably repeat.

As I got older, I became more cognizant of having things “look” tidy on the surface, but drawers brimming with stuff or the jam-packed trunk of my car could quickly give me away. And it was absolutely indicative of my life at the time. I was constantly trying to maintain a “kept together” outward appearance, but was often overwhelmed and anxious on the inside.

Eight years ago, my life was pretty close to rock bottom after the real estate recession and a toxic relationship left me with less income, more bills, and WAY more stress. I wanted to hide my head under a pillow... But of course that wouldn’t have solved anything.

Instead, I put on my big girl pants and set my mind to face things head on. I dealt with my financial situation. I got rid of things I didn’t need. I downsized. And suddenly, everything became easier. I gave face to the uncertainty of my situation, making it a known entity, instead of allowing it to grow into a monster hiding in the dark corners of my mind.

That period of my life infected me with a serious bug for tackling challenges and staying organized, that still prevails today. Though my life and home are rarely immaculate—especially with a toddler—my life is no longer buried under stuff. I actually LOVE the process and outcome of getting organized. I even make the bed when I stay in a hotel!!!

And since I run two businesses within a 1,300 square foot cottage—filled by my assistant, kiddo, nanny, and husband—organization is key.

Being disorganized doesn’t mean you can’t be successful, but it significantly worsens the odds.

Not only does organization reduces stress and clutter, it saves time and money, and improves the overall quality of your life!



This is true for physical clutter as well as mental clutter. Both tangible and conceptual clutter can keep you from feeling productive and happy. In fact, the two work hand-in-hand and can either move you closer or farther from happiness. The answer: get organized.

Take the first step towards organization by assessing different areas within your house. There is a connection between each space in your home and the successes or challenges you are experiencing in life.

Is your bedroom cluttered? Do you leave clothes on the floor? Is the bed left unmade? This could suggest an underlying problem in your romantic relationship. Clean up the bedroom, and your relationship might  to improve.

Do you have a mess of an office space? Piles of papers haphazardly strewn about? A desktop that is more of an oversized storage shelf? This might be a sign of financial difficulties or challenges in your professional life. Create a workspace that fosters productivity, and you may begin to see a shift in these areas of your life.

Does your kitchen remain in a constant state of disarray? Dirty dishes taking up near-permanent residence in the sink? Unused kitchen appliances littering the counter tops? This may indicate unhealthy food-related issues. Make your kitchen an inviting environment to whip up wholesome meals, and set your health on an upward trend.

Start to organize your physical space around the goals you want to achieve. Devise simple systems that promote organization. Use a planner, storage solutions, email templates, or other tools to simplify daily life.  When you have a system, it becomes easier to repeat the habit of staying organized again and again.

There are SO many resources and articles out there on how to get organized. Don’t obsess over which process to implement. Try something! If it doesn’t work for you, try a different method.  Keep what works.

And at the very least, make your bed every morning, because there’s no winner when you rebel against yourself.

Love & clean spaces,



I help women in business unleash their expertise.
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