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Writer's pictureRebecca Cafiero

Pivot with Purpose

Yesterday, a dream of mine came true.

18 women I deeply care about became BESTSELLING authors. They put a megaphone to their message.

The best part of it was it happened by making THEIR hopes + dreams come true. Something many of them had wanted, while some of them hadn't even dreamed that big! Like everyone, they lived through the pandemic (something we should all get a lifetime achievement award for). They ran (and even started) businesses during it. They chose to be resourceful, gritty, positive and intentional in how they let 2020 shape their world, by taking responsibility for their results. They supported each other, as women, while balancing families, finances, businesses and their own wellbeing. And they dove deep and wrote their stories, some sharing things they've never shared, of times they'd hit a crossroads, or a dead end, and how they pivoted from that time, with intentionality and purpose. I first read the book cover to cover on Mother's Day weekend. I spent 24 hours in a hotel and immersed myself in their stories, the essence of strength, courage, love, and positivity that this book gives the reader, and felt SO incredibly grateful. Grateful to know them all. Grateful to call them friends + clients. Grateful for the impact they've created, the friendships made and the people served because of their genius. Grateful to have these women as the founding members + foundation of my dream business, The Pitch Club, launched during the Pandemic.

About the Book - PIVOT WITH PURPOSE This collaborative book of essays recounts the heartfelt experiences, insights, and lessons that 18 women of unique walks of life shared during one deeply challenging and deeply bonding experience -- launching, scaling, and managing their small businesses during a global pandemic. No small task, to say the least. Though this group of women has never met outside of the parameters of their computer screens, one reality unified their parallel journeys.

They made a commitment to themselves and to each other to pivot with purpose.

They refused to settle, back down or surrender and instead honored the powerful female leaders, entrepreneurs, and women that they are.

These are their stories.


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